
Is Amazon the Best Place to Shop for Luggage?

Jeff Bezos launched Amazon.com in 1994 as an online bookstore. Nearly a quarter of a decade later, Amazon has completely disrupted not only the book market but nearly every other market that contributes to the daily habits of modern households. You can buy appliances, clothing, technology, pantry staples, toiletries, and even takeout from your favorite…

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Which Is the Best Toiletry Bag To Take On Your Adventures?

Whenever I pack for a trip, I always think about the clothes I will bring first, the technology I need second, and toiletries third. I always find that toiletries, while crucial for looking and feeling your best while you are away, are challenging to pack. Liquid carry-on restrictions limit your options if you are packing…

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Hostel Must-Haves For the Frequent Traveler

Hostels are incredibly popular among frequent travelers. They exist all over the world, are generally inexpensive, and are a great way to meet new people and find new things to do in a foreign city. Hostel accommodations can range from a single bunk bed in a large open dorm with a shared bathroom, to a…


What is the Best VPN For Travel You Can Trust

Traveling today is drastically different than it was 15, 10, or even 5 years ago. Fifteen years ago, it was unusual to have a smartphone at all. Ten years ago, smartphones could be used domestically, but rarely internationally. Five years ago, many people still relied on paper maps and word of mouth to navigate new…

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What is the Best Travel Backpack?

Travel backpacks are the perfect option for travelers that don’t want rolling luggage to slow them down when they travel. If you’re going to “rough it” by only taking the bare essentials or want a mobile carry-on to complement your checked bag, the best travel backpack will have ample space and be comfortable to carry….

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Travel Laundry Detergent For Your Next Excursion

There is one word that strikes fear and anxiety into the heart or world travelers. Are you ready? …..laundry. Whether you are desperately trying to navigate the foreign language instructions on a mysterious machine, scrubbing your delicates in a hostel sink, or just giving up and wearing the same shirt three days in a row, keeping…

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Our Favorite TSA Approved Locks For Your Next Flight

The Transportation Security Administration (more commonly known as the TSA) has been in existence since 9/11. This faction of United States Homeland Security is responsible for keeping our travel safe. They check our large electronics, our liquids, and our shoes, and they also look at our checked baggage. According to their website, they screen more than…


Best Bathrobes To Make Your Travels More Relaxing

There is something so easy about a bathrobe. Whether you are trying to get cozy, cover up your pajamas, or just look slightly more presentable before wandering into the kitchen, bathrobes are a fantastic, comfortable option. It may seem like overkill, but I actually own a few bathrobes. I have a cozy one to use…