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Best Packing Cubes for Backpacking and Travel

Packing cubes are the open secret of every serious traveler. Packing cubes are soft-shelled packing containers that help keep the inside of a suitcase neat, organized, and segmented. Packing cubes come in a variety of sizes, from tiny cubes that can fit your laptop and phone charger, to giant clothing cubes designed to handle bulky…

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Best Compass for Hiking, Backpacking & Travel

With the prevalence of smart devices and technology, it is hard to imagine a time in which a compass was considered state-of-art. Yet, unlike the typewriter, the telegraph, or even the Blackberry, the use of compasses has persisted. They are pretty incredible devices. They don’t require a battery or charge, are simple to understand and…

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Our Favorite Travel Boots For Winter Excursions

Boots are an excellent footwear choice for travel. They are practical, stylish, and can be dressed up or down to suit nearly any occasion. With boots, you won’t have to worry about chilly ankles or sticky floors. Your feet will be protected as you traipse about the world – enjoying all of the brilliant experiences…