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Hostel Must-Haves For the Frequent Traveler

Hostels are incredibly popular among frequent travelers. They exist all over the world, are generally inexpensive, and are a great way to meet new people and find new things to do in a foreign city. Hostel accommodations can range from a single bunk bed in a large open dorm with a shared bathroom, to a…

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Our Favorite TSA Approved Locks For Your Next Flight

The Transportation Security Administration (more commonly known as the TSA) has been in existence since 9/11. This faction of United States Homeland Security is responsible for keeping our travel safe. They check our large electronics, our liquids, and our shoes, and they also look at our checked baggage. According to their website, they screen more than…

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Best Laptop Cases for Travel

Personal computers have become a necessity for business and entertainment. I don’t know anyone anymore that travels without a laptop computer (and that includes my baby-boomer mother). Despite their pervasiveness, laptops are still pricey and somewhat delicate. If you are going to take one with you on the road, you need a good laptop case…

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Mini Accessories For Your Mini Vacation

Airline prices are cheaper than ever, in no small part to the expansion of budget airlines. If you are willing to forgo seating assignments, priority boarding, or even luggage, you can fly on the cheap! Most budget airlines like Allegiant, Frontier, and Spirit, only allow you to bring a small personal item onboard for free….

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Best Compass for Hiking, Backpacking & Travel

With the prevalence of smart devices and technology, it is hard to imagine a time in which a compass was considered state-of-art. Yet, unlike the typewriter, the telegraph, or even the Blackberry, the use of compasses has persisted. They are pretty incredible devices. They don’t require a battery or charge, are simple to understand and…

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14 Best Travel Products for 2021

You know how valuable your suitcase space is when you travel. To maximize every square inch and make the most out of your travels this year, consider packing the best travel products for 2020. They can improve your travel and also reduce the number of items you normally bring. Keep the best travel products for…

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7 Best New Travel Gadgets

Packing the right travel gadgets can help make your travel easier as you might have to pack fewer items. And, you can simply prevent some of the nuisances that you might encounter when traveling. These new gadgets can enhance your travel experience and leave you wondering, “Why didn’t I have this sooner?” Plus, these travel…

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Best Solar Powered Gadgets for Eco-Friendly Travels

Electrical and battery-powered gadgets are great, but if you live in a sunny place, why not harness that energy and put it to use? Solar technology is improving, and now there are several gadgets available commercially that don’t need an outlet or battery – just a few hours outside soaking up the sun. Solar energy…