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Which Is the Best Toiletry Bag To Take On Your Adventures?

Whenever I pack for a trip, I always think about the clothes I will bring first, the technology I need second, and toiletries third. I always find that toiletries, while crucial for looking and feeling your best while you are away, are challenging to pack. Liquid carry-on restrictions limit your options if you are packing…

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Travel Laundry Detergent For Your Next Excursion

There is one word that strikes fear and anxiety into the heart or world travelers. Are you ready? …..laundry. Whether you are desperately trying to navigate the foreign language instructions on a mysterious machine, scrubbing your delicates in a hostel sink, or just giving up and wearing the same shirt three days in a row, keeping…

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Best Electric Toothbrush for Travel

It is crazy to think about, but electric toothbrushes have been around since the mid-1950s. That means that people have been able to avoid manual brushing for more than a half a century. It’s no surprise that electric toothbrushes have continued to grow in popularity. Taking care of your teeth with an electric toothbrush has…