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Road Trip Essentials For Summer

Picture this: you are cruising down a famous highway – maybe the Pacific Coast Highway, maybe Route 66, or maybe you are on the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. The sun is shining. You’ve got the windows rolled down and your favorite tunes cranking. You are hours from your destination, but that doesn’t matter, because this is…


Best Passport Holder for Travel

When you are traveling abroad, your number 1 priority should be keeping your passport safe. Bankcards and belongings can be pretty easily replaced – but a stolen or damaged passport means lengthy brushes with international bureaucracy, which is nearly guaranteed to mess with your planned time away. A great way to keep your passport safe…

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Best Microfiber Travel Towels For Your Next Getaway

Towels are one of those things I always forget about when I travel. I only remember them when I am confronted with a scratchy and mysteriously stained hotel towel, asked to pay a service fee for towel use in a hostel, or forced to use a dirty t-shirt to dry off when I’m camping. When…

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14 Best Travel Products for 2021

You know how valuable your suitcase space is when you travel. To maximize every square inch and make the most out of your travels this year, consider packing the best travel products for 2020. They can improve your travel and also reduce the number of items you normally bring. Keep the best travel products for…

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7 Best New Travel Gadgets

Packing the right travel gadgets can help make your travel easier as you might have to pack fewer items. And, you can simply prevent some of the nuisances that you might encounter when traveling. These new gadgets can enhance your travel experience and leave you wondering, “Why didn’t I have this sooner?” Plus, these travel…

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Best Carry On Luggage for Men

The best carry on luggage for men will meet a variety of criteria that are tailored to making travel seamless. Carrying luggage onto planes in addition or in lieu of checking a bag is incredibly convenient. It allows you to have access to your items during travel (something that becomes incredibly important during long-haul flights)…

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Best Solar Powered Gadgets for Eco-Friendly Travels

Electrical and battery-powered gadgets are great, but if you live in a sunny place, why not harness that energy and put it to use? Solar technology is improving, and now there are several gadgets available commercially that don’t need an outlet or battery – just a few hours outside soaking up the sun. Solar energy…